Category Archives: Reviews

Colin Rallies Again

Another year and another Colin McRae Rally comes along which, so far, has been no bad thing. This year, Codemasters are bringing 3 to the Xbox for the first time and luckily it got passed my way. I have worked for the organizers of the British Rally, been to a rally and played every previous incarnation of Colin McRae Rally, so I reckon I’m qualified to judge. The question is, can Codies produce a game that a) surpasses their previous successes and b) survives my expert scrutiny? The Colin McRae titles are renowned for looking gorgeous and CMR 3 is … Continue reading Colin Rallies Again

1893: More Than Fair

Let me take you back to the golden days, back to a time when life was simpler. When it didn’t matter so much how much money you were making; as long as your work was a job well done, you know you would get by. A time when things were (at least in my opinion) better. What? Back to the Victorian era of 1893, you say? God, no! Cholera, polio, and who knows what else was trying to kill you, labor conditions were atrocious – I bet if it weren’t for things like the World’s Fairs, everyone would have done … Continue reading 1893: More Than Fair

GBA addict maker

Although I am more partial to the Game Boy Advance than I am to the GameCube, I have wanted to see a fresh, unique GBA alternative to all the SNES ports that have plagued the system. The closest I was able to get to before was Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, but even that is becoming redundant. Leave it to the company who made the GBA to solve my dilemma. Before leaving for E3 I read a review in Electronic Gaming Monthly for a title called Warioware Inc. Considering the pictures that were used in the review, including a black and … Continue reading GBA addict maker

High Seas Adventure Awaits

Ahoy mates – we close with the enemy – bring all guns to bear! Prepare to engage! Covering the period from the Seven Year’s War through the Napoleonic Era, Age of Sail II brings to you the heart of the Age of Sail. You can do battle as the British High Seas Commander against those upstart Americans in 1776 or fight for the Americans against the Imperialistic British in the War of 1812. You can play from the decks of a Ship of War or the decks of a Privateer just out for the booty. The choice is yours. My … Continue reading High Seas Adventure Awaits

Sherwood is a Sure Thing

The Commandos game pretty much set the standard in small-quad RTS games. Armed with only three or four soldiers per mission, you were tasked with defeating, or avoiding, a hoard of enemies during a variety of missions. The problem with Commandos was that it was just too hard to play. You shoot someone and you lose. The alarm goes off and you lose. Someone sees you and you lose. You step just one foot out of line and yep, you guessed it, you lose. Robin Hood takes players back to a simpler time, when breaking into a castle did not … Continue reading Sherwood is a Sure Thing

Heavily Scripted Space Opera!

The year is 2014. The humans have spread out among the solar system driven by the need for resources. As the Martian Diplomatic Convoy approaches the moon for an historic meeting with diplomats from Earth to settle their differences, it is suddenly blown out of space by unidentified armed ships. Needless to say war ensued. And this is where you enter, as either the Martian Colonists out to avenge the slaughter of their Diplomats, or the Earth forces out to get those upstart colonists back in line. Hegemonia: Legions of Steel is a space-based real time strategy depiction of the … Continue reading Heavily Scripted Space Opera!

Indy strikes back

The last Indiana Jones game I played was the Infernal Machine on the PC. While it was a good game, it seemed a little too much like Tomb Raider for me. The Collective’s latest Indiana Jones reincarnation might follow in the same Tomb Raider vein, but they were able to capitalize on the success caused by Buffy the Vampire Slayer to create an enjoyable adventure title that the Xbox surely needed, plus was a lot of fun on the PC. Taking place before the movie trilogy even starts (in 1935), Emperor’s Tomb has Professor Henry "Indiana" Jones Jr. in search … Continue reading Indy strikes back

Racing with a Story

I will admit that I have had very little experience with Codemasters’ racing titles. Most of the racing that I have done on consoles has either been through Gran Turismo on the PS1 and 2 as well as EA’s excellent NASCAR Thunder series. I know Codemasters has a strong track record with both their Colin McRae Rally and TOCA Championship series, but this is the first title I have been able to try out. Pro Race Driver is actually the latest in the TOCA series (in fact it is called TOCA Race Driver in Europe, but for this version, a … Continue reading Racing with a Story

Gettin’ Jango With It

More Star Wars fodder is offered up for those die-hard fans. Up until now any game with "Star Wars: the something, something" (insert as applicable here) was left with the bitter taste of disappointment. But this time Lucas Arts actually realized that Boba Fett was every Star Wars nerd’s favorite character and came up with the next best thing; a game featuring Jango, father of Boba. We never really wanted to play Obi Wan and we definitely don’t want to be Anakin, but playing a Fett, now there’s a prospect. Here’s a game that offers us the opportunity to play … Continue reading Gettin’ Jango With It

I’m Going Back In!

The IGI, or I’m Going In series proves that you don’t have to own a console to get a good stealth shooter. The IGI series in its original incarnation is far older than either Metal Gear Solid or the Johnny-come-lately Splinter Cell. Unlike most stealth shooters on the console, you can resort to mindless violence to solve levels in IGI2, but you are going to have a much harder time if you play this way. The situations you are put in are nearly impossible. You are sometimes outnumbered 100 to one, which in a game featuring realistic damage levels means … Continue reading I’m Going Back In!