Save State Battles the Robot Masters of Mega Man One
Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney writes this week about being confined to bed with a bad flu and playing Mega Man One from the Mega Man Legacy Collection.
Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney writes this week about being confined to bed with a bad flu and playing Mega Man One from the Mega Man Legacy Collection.
With the 2025 Major League Soccer season getting ready to start, Fresh Look columnist and avid soccer fan Neal Sayatovich finally gets a chance to enjoy EA Sports FC 25. This is the first time he has been able to play the newest title in the series, and he finds quite a lot he likes about it.
Neal Sayatovich is taking over the Save State column this week while its regular columnist Vincent Mahoney is feeling under the weather. Neal writes about the two titles Final Fantasy VIII Remastered and Against the Storm.
It’s always great when a title is well-supported, even after its released. This week Fresh Look’s Neal Sayatovich talks about another example of this on his list, Palworld, which is full of recent surprises with its updates.
Not every horror title has to be an action-packed fight to the death. This week Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney enjoys the subtle horror of working in a call center for customers with mysterious monster problems in Home Safety Hotline.
Developer Slavic Magic may only be a small team, but the way they support their Early Access medieval city builder Manor Lords with major new updates is impressive for both new and veteran players.
When Flowstone Saga combined RPG elements with Tetris to form a colorful and expansive campaign world, it really caught Save State columnist and GiN’s veteran RPGer Vincent Mahoney flatfooted but in a very good way.
The holidays are perfect for enjoying lots of great gaming time. And to celebrate, Fresh Look columnist Neal Sayatovich rings in the New Year with the action RPG Valkyrie Elysium.
Filled with holiday cheer and maybe too much eggnog, Save State columnist Vincent Mahoney pens his entire holiday column this year in a glorious (he made us say that) rhyming style.
Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. has announced the launch of its collaboration with the football comic series Captain Tsubasa.