Category Archives: Hardcore

Todd Hargosh, a.k.a. GiN Hardcore, loves to tell it like it is, no matter who gets hurt. If you do good, and put out quality stuff, he will praise you to the ends of the earth. However, if you betray him, God help you.

Bathing in the Steam Summer Sale

Todd is binging out, playing lots of great games this summer after acquiring many of them in the ongoing Steam Summer Sale. Todd bought 11 games for $70, which would have normally cost about $280. The Steam Sale is mostly great, but it’s easy to get a bit carried away.

Taking Aim at Shooter Engines

Just like an engine makes or breaks a vehicle’s performance, the same can be said for game engines, especially for titles like shooters. Lately, we could almost review a game by looking at its engine. Titles using CryEngine have looked great, but suffered horrible performance, especially on consoles.