Category Archives: Hardcore

Todd Hargosh, a.k.a. GiN Hardcore, loves to tell it like it is, no matter who gets hurt. If you do good, and put out quality stuff, he will praise you to the ends of the earth. However, if you betray him, God help you.

Happy With Quantum Break’s Dual Platform Move?

News that Quantum Break is moving to PC instead of being a pure Xbox One exclusive title has got some people a little bit upset. But Todd, a longtime Xbox fan, doesn’t see the problem. Letting more people play a good game is not a bad thing, and the cross-buy status means that if you get the game for the Xbox, that you also own a copy for Windows. Pretty sweet deal, right?

Joining the PC Elitists

PC gaming and games are making a big comeback, with many exclusive titles like the pending XCOM 2. So Todd is giving PC gaming another try, with an economical system that might just suit his needs. In other news, he also predicts the winner of the Superbowl this week using Madden. Panthers or Broncos?

Todd’s Spooky Stuff for 2015

Every year, with Halloween approaching, Todd regales us with tales of games that he finds particularly scary. Last year it was Alien Isolation, which he had to stop playing due to health reasons. This year however, he’s not found any games too terrifying. But there are several things in real life that actually are much more frightening.