Time Crisis Blows Away Shooters

The VSSE International Intelligence Agency has learned that off the coast of the Mediterranean, the peaceful island of Astigos has come under attack by Zagorian federation troops. General Gorgio Zott, Commander-in-Chief of the Zagorian Army, has launched a unilateral military offensive against Astigos, a territory of the neighboring nation of Lukano. In just a short time the General and his men have taken complete control of the island and in the process taken key members of the Lukano Liberation Force hostage. Concerned over the motives behind Zott’s strike against Astigos the VSSE launched a deeper investigation, whereupon they learned that … Continue reading Time Crisis Blows Away Shooters

Kill.Switch Nudges New Ground

The shooter genre has been a staple in the video game industry ever since technology allowed them to be made. Like the platforming genre before it, titles that go under the "shooter" moniker usually follow the same basic formula, but since the formula is so fun to begin with many people don’t care to change it. When people do change things up a bit (Max Payne) the results can be stunning critically and commercially. Hoping for such results, Namco has released Kill.Switch, a pretty standard shooter with more emphasis than ever before on finding cover for your soldier. Namco pulls … Continue reading Kill.Switch Nudges New Ground