Marie Flanigan, Director of Marketing and Social Media

MARIE FLANIGAN is the Director of Marketing and Social Media for Game Industry News. That means you will see her online and at events. She also enjoys writing reviews and sitting in on podcasts when she can. Her most loved games are open environment titles with beautiful graphics that she can spend months playing, but she's got a favorite in most categories and is always open to new gaming experiences.

Recent Posts

Rekindling Platformer Love

I have to confess that these days, when I think platformer, I think of a game to play on my phone while the oil is being changed in my car. So when Putty Squad arrived for review, I wasn’t super excited about it. After all, what’s the point of playing a platformer on a console? Wasn’t my shiny, new PlayStation 4 worthy of more meaty play? Luckily for me, I was suffering from a kind of mass delusion that mobile gaming apps have done to us. Putty Squad on the PS4 is so much more fun than any phone game. … Continue reading Rekindling Platformer Love