Chris Richards, GiN Staff

Chris started playing video games back in the early 80's on an Atari 2600. His first PC was a Tandy 1000 (circa 1985) from Radio Shack and his first game was a little adventure game called Rogue. He is still addicted to it. And its all been down hill from there. He blew the dust off of his old 360K 5 1/4 floppies to provide you with a little bit of Game Industry History. Download a copy of Rogue compliments of the GiN staff.

Recent Posts

Armed for Danger

I first encountered Armed and Dangerous at the LusasArts booth at E3, and found the demo to be one of the highlights of my day. A couple things that I found noteworthy at the time were a funny looking device in the game that you could use to reverse gravity for a short time, thus making all the baddies nearby fly (or really fall) up into the air, and then come crashing back down. And the one cut scene they showed us was hilarious. The other thing that I found really neat was when you are defending a city. You … Continue reading Armed for Danger