Rampage Jackson To Star In Three Mobile Games

MEDL Mobile, Inc. (OTCBB:MEDL), a leader in mobile apps development, announced today that Rampage Jackson, UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) star and film actor (The A-Team), has signed a three-app deal to develop mobile games. Jackson, an active gaming enthusiast, has been appointed to the role of Creative Game Development Executive at MEDL and will work closely with its team of creative executives and programmers to develop three games based on his ideas. The first app is slated for launch in Spring 2012.

The three-app deal signifies a continuing trend of celebrities who are marketing their own mobile apps to connect with their fans and extend their brands into the fast-growing mobile apps market. Jackson is known for being exceptionally engaged with his fans, which is partly why his role in creating the apps will be much more in-depth and hands-on than what is typical of a celebrity-branded app. While the apps will bear Jackson’s name, they will not necessarily reflect his UFC or acting endeavors; rather, they will be based on his original ideas as a gamer.

"Rampage is a long-time avid gamer with great ideas that he’s been interested in developing for some time," said Todd Jacobs of William Morris Endeavor. "This isn’t a case of a celebrity stamping his or her name or brand on a trendy product, but of a serious creative talent who is looking to chart new territory for himself and for his fans who share his passion for gaming."

"With Rampage’s acting career taking off and his UFC achievements well established, now is a perfect time for him to expand into mobile and connect with his fans in a new way," said Dave Swartz, MEDL Mobile co-founder and chief creative officer. "In his case, it’s going to not only provide another avenue for his brand, but an opportunity for him to validate yet another one of his talents — creative development."

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