Sequels can be tough to make for anything, but especially games it seems. Very few follow-up titles beat the original, though it does happen. With The Walking Dead Season Two, we were following the only guaranteed survivor from the first season, Clementine. In fact, we were able to take her over as the lead this time. No longer confined to a support role, the choices you made in season two directly affected our favorite little girl survivor.
Beyond the new storyline, there were also some development choices that were apparently made behind the scenes, notably relying more on action and even shooting sequences this time out, and downplaying some of the deep dialog and role-playing sequences like we experienced during season one. This was likely done to try and appeal to more generalized players, or even those who did not play season one. However, at least in the case of Walking Dead reviewer veteran Billy White, this lead to a less enjoyable experience overall, a sentiment that he suspects might be shared by other longtime players.
That said, the numbers of twists and turns in the series remained high. Everyone knows by now that Kenny rejoined the group in episode two. But as great as that surprise was, the development of that character was even more shocking over time.
Billy discusses the whole of The Walking Dead Season Two this week in the lounge, and predicts where the series might be heading with Season Three.