What Did Einstein Say About Roulette?

There are so many things attributed to Albert Einstein that people no longer know what is true and what’s false. Not surprisingly, roulette fans have their fair share of questions regarding the game and the statements made by the 20th-century genius. There are many things that he might’ve said about the game, given the fact that he was an outspoken individual with a good sense of humor. One of his better-known quotes is “No one can win at roulette unless he steals money from the table while the croupier isn’t looking.” According to the online roulette website FruityKing.co.nz — In the paragraphs below we are going to take a closer look at his statement.

The house edge is impossible to beat

The reason Einstein might have said this about roulette is that the house edge is in place to protect the casino. Hadn’t it been for this tiny percentage that gives the casino the advantage, players would eventually bring the establishment to bankruptcy. The very reason we have casinos and can play the games on real money confirms the fact that the house edge is impossible to beat.

Roulette is one of the games that have a low house edge, although there are better options for punters who value their chances. To put things into perspective, the best roulette game is the French one, which is a version of European roulette. In this case, the house edge is less than 2%, but in some video poker games, and also baccarat and blackjack it is less than 1%.

The difference between the aforementioned games and roulette is that the former rewards players who use math and apply the optimal strategy. When you play roulette, there is very little you can do to increase the odds of winning because you have no control over the outcome. This is a game of pure chance that requires you to be very lucky to beat the house edge in the short and long term.

How to improve the odds of winning at roulette

Einstein was right when he implied that no mathematical trick can help you maximize the odds of winning at roulette. You simply need to be lucky for the ball to land in the place you are predicting, and this is difficult in the long run. However, there are things you can do to decrease the odds of losing and improve the chances to succeed in the long run.

Proper bankroll management is invaluable if you are a serious gambler and don’t want to go bankrupt during a bad spell. Roulette strategies will only give you a sense of structure and control, but they don’t have any impact on the odds of winning. You should take them with a pinch of salt and refrain from betting more than you can afford to lose just for the sake of following a system.

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