Reviewing Online Video Pokies

If you have had enough of the standard first person shooters and are looking for something less violent and intense, and more fun and engaging – online pokies (also known as slots) are a great way to relax and unwind at the end of a long, hard day. Today we review the gaming experience at an online casino Australia, Royal Vegas; highlighting the best parts of the game-play and overall use.

RVinsideRoyal Vegas is a really good place to start if you have never used an online casino before. The website itself is easy to use and you are able to navigate through it intuitively. The first thing you will see when you enter their website is that as a new player, you are entitled to a welcome bonus of $1,200 when you open your account. This is a really fantastic deal; and I have not seen a welcome bonus this high ever before. When you have such a huge monetary incentive to join, it makes the decision a whole lot easier! You get the choice whether to play online, or download the premium casino software for free. Other online casinos may make you pay a fee to download the casino software, but I was happily surprised to see that this is not the case at Royal Vegas Australia.

Once you have set up your account, you can begin playing. The one thing I have to say is that Royal Vegas offers you such a substantial bounty of video pokies to choose from. You may be disoriented by all the variety, with so many colorful inviting games at the click of your mouse. The video pokies are themed, and this makes playing them even more entertaining; especially if you have only ever played old fashion reel pokies/slots before. There are themed pokies for sports fans, animal lovers, movie fanatics and so many more to mention!

A noteworthy feature of Royal Vegas is that the online casino is compatible with mobile devices; everything from Apple and Android, to Blackberry devices. I know that this is pretty useful to me as it is super convenient for me to play pokies on my phone when I am waiting in line at the grocery store, or on my morning commute. It is great to be able to just take out my phone and get lost in the wonderful world of pokies.

I ran into a mild technical problem (through my own wrongdoing, though) and I was surprised at how instantaneously I was helped by Royal Vegas’ online tech support team. They were fast, friendly, professional and endlessly helpful in steering me in the right direction to resolving the issue so that I could get back to playing pokies as soon as possible. I was so impressed with the service that I will definitely continue to play pokies through this online casino. Between the amazing customer care, free new player welcome bonus and the huge variety of pokies to choose from, I am one happy pokies player!

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