This week for Translation Necessary Thursday I’m covering the fourth entry in the journey of everyone’s favorite foreshadow destroyer. It’s Everyone Else is a Returnee Book 04 by Toika!
Plot Synopsis: Having traveled to Japan to help combat a Dungeon Wave, Yu IlHan and his freeloading companions Erta and Lita got caught up in an epic battle across Japan where IlHan has earned the moniker Susanoo after the Japanese storm god. Now while fighting against a huge monster he’s called the Orochi IlHan is suddenly hit by a new sensation…
Plot: This is pretty action packed again, although there are some serious plot developments that occur as well. I won’t get into the details of them, because spoilers, but this book just might happen to be my favorite of the ones I’ve covered so far.
Characters: We get to meet some new faces, although as they are pretty spoiler-ific I won’t go into detail. My favorites is still IlHan, for his constant foreshadow destruction.
Overall: If you aren’t reading this series yet, you really ought to be.