PopCap Unveils World Of Warcraft Peggle

PopCap Games, the leading developer and publisher of casual games, today announced the immediate availability of ten all-new World of Warcraft-themed Peggle levels – available for free at www.popcap.com/promos/pegglewow.

This all-new WoW-themed Peggle mash-up is a stand-alone version of Peggle, available for free and combining the sights, sounds and storyline of World of Warcraft with the rainbows and unicorns of everyone's favorite peg-popping pastime. It features ten new levels with Peggle masters Bjorn the Unicorn and Splork with his Space Blast facing off against denizens of Azeroth in scenes with names like "Too Soon, Executus" and "The Traitor King" – as well as ten new challenges with titles such as "Phat Lewtz" and "Pwnyxia."

T. Carl Kwoh, Associate Producer at PopCap Games, said: PopCap first brought Peggle to Azeroth in April 2009 and got a great reception from World of Warcraft players. We were jazzed to team up with Blizzard to make a World of Warcraft-themed version of Peggle that's available to everyone for free.

The WoW-themed Peggle mash-up is a joint collaboration between PopCap Games and World of Warcraft developer Blizzard Entertainment.

One of the most critically acclaimed video games of recent years, Peggle has been downloaded more than 50 million times since its first introduction in March 2007. The Peggle series - available for PC, Mac, Web, video iPod, iPod Touch, iPhone, 650 models of mobile feature phones and smartphones, Nintendo DS and Xbox Live Arcade - has garnered more than a dozen awards from leading industry associations and trade journals.

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