Neal Sayatovich, Online Editor

Neal loves the twists, turns and scares of a well developed horror game. He believes that the depth and personality of the characters will make or break a game. Neal isn't a huge fan of excess blood and gore and commends Doom 3 for it's fear factor despite the lack of blood.

Recent Posts

Explore Outside Your Pineapple Under The Sea

Remaking a SpongeBob game from the PlayStation 2 era seemed like a good idea on paper. But perhaps SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle For Bikini Bottom Rehydrated reaches back too far. Unfortunately, it feels like a PS2 era game when gamers probably really want a brand new SpongeBob title.

Bugged About The State of Bugs

In the old days, armies of play testers had to make sure that games were nearly perfect at launch, because patching them was next to impossible. Today, early buyers of games have become unpaid play testers, patches come out frequently, and The Skirmisher thinks it’s weakening videogames.

Nerding Out About New Consoles

Due to many circumstances beyond his control, Neal missed out on most of the current generation of consoles and the war between PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. He instead settled for a Switch. But now, he’ll be able to get one of the new consoles when they launch. The question is, which one?